Friday, February 8, 2008

Is it Salsa or Seltzer? Salsa or Selzta?

George Castanza didn't fully unterstand the importance of a good salsa, orther wise he never would have said salsa sounds like seltzer...

Do you ever find yourself in the Mexican section of the grocery store, looking for a good salsa, hot sauce, or picante sauce. You don't know if the stuff you are looking at is made in New Jersey or by the people who know mexican food in El Paso? Is the photo of Paul Newman in a sombrero creeping you out on the jar of his Mango Salsa?

Take a tip and try out this Salsa ------------>

You will not be dissappointed. Forget about Pace, Old El Paso and the rest. This is where it is at. If you are lucky, it will probably be one of the cheaper salsas on the shelf, too.

Anyone out there have some other reccommendations for favorite salsa?


neffgang said...

Hi Toad.

I'm not sure there are bad salsas. Just wrong salsa's for wrong occasions!

To me, the only bad salsa isn't salsa at all - it's when people replace salsa with ketchup. My wife's side of the family brings this tradition to the table with a large amount of gusto. To some of them, nothing improves a burrito like a giant swath of ketchup adorning the top of the thing.

That said, we can't get enough Trader Joe's salsa de la piƱa. TJ's also has a new maiz salsa. No tomatoes, non of the stuff that looks like regular salsa. In fact, it looks just like a regular bottle of corn. But open that baby up and put a heaping spoonful on a quesadilla and you've got a treat on your hands.

Anonymous said...

We've been buying Herdez for a while much better than your typical Pace.

Anonymous said...

Hi Todd!
I cyber-stalked you and found your blog - thanks for your comments on mine, by the way.

There's this restaurant near our house that has a whole wall of different salsas. Maybe someday I'll take a picture.... but it's Mark's goal to try each and every one. There must be at least 100.
Hey - tell Wendy Hi! And teach her how to post comments :)

Anonymous said...

My neighbor (not from utah) is convinced that utahns pronouce it "saltsa". I know I don't but who knows maybe i'm used to hearing it and don't notice.

Anonymous said...

I hear there's a Jedi-training party in the works. Take pictures and let's see a post by Tuesday.