Thursday, March 20, 2008

Guess these houses

This is mainly for my family and those that grew up around my neighborhood...

Who do these homes belong to? (or former owners too)








neffgang said...

1- Whittaker
2- Keddington
3 - Bagley / McKellar
4 - Kramer
5 - Hamilton
6 - Graham
7 - ?
8 - ?

Todd said...

#2 is incorrect.

nice going on the other ones

Anonymous said...

Is # 2 Burgoyne's?

#6 - Workman's?

Todd said...

#2 isn't Duncan's or Burgoyne's... think other side of old Valley View 5th Ward...

#7 and #8 still haven't been listed either...

Anonymous said...

okay, one more try:

#2 Reavely's
#7 Edman's?
#8 - Marge Anderson

Anonymous said...

did anonymous cheat by trying to enlarge pictures? The name was listed at the top of the page then.

Todd said...

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to figure out that the names were on the photo files...

neffgang said...

what if i told you that anonymous isn't really that anonymous?

Anonymous said...

okay, it was me. I thought I had put my name, but somehow it didn't post. And, yes I cheated!

Also, refer to Travis' blog about tattle-tales in our family, Brian.

Lori said...

Graham's house looks the very same. If you look close enough, you can actually see Mindy yelling out "I know who you are and I hate you all". Always a classic!