Monday, March 3, 2008

Home sweet home

I came across this photo a while back while searching the SL County assessor website. It is my parents home shortly after it was built.

This place has had more facelifts than Joan Rivers - I can count at least 4 major changes to the home - and that is just on the outside.
Do any of you older siblings remember this car?


Anonymous said...

I don't remember the car, but I do remember the porch and the white poles. Dad built a really cool stand for us on the porch where we sold chocolate marshmallow covered Santas. Random memory.

Very cool picture Todd!

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

I showed the picture to dad. He got a kick out of it!

Mindy Williams said...

Yeah, Linda was looking at blogs with me since she "doesn't know how to do a blog" (you know it is so different than looking at any other website) but anyway, she started in on that isn't our car, I have no idea whose car that really is. I wonder....and on and on. It took a few minutes for me to be able to stop her and help her understand that it wasn't her old house on 2033. Close though, nice try Linda! Gotta love the crazy lady!

Todd said...

Thanks Mindy - that made me laugh... gotta love mother-in-laws...

Anonymous said...

I don't remember the car. My first car memory was the purple station wagon. But I loved the turned posts on the front porch. I thought they were so pretty.

neffgang said...

We sold that car for the maroon station wagon with the "ice cream cones" in the roof.

I remember crying on the floorboards in the back seat - trying to hide, I think - in the parking lot of Riverton Motors because we didn't want to trade that car in for the new one.

I don't remember the house without the carport.

Also, Susie Kay, your dear brother Brian built that stand to sell the out of date marshmallow bunnies I talked dad into buying up at Skaggs. I think we bought them for a nickel a piece or something.

Did we turn a profit that day? I don't remember.

neffgang said...

Anyone remember dad racing Suzy Duncan across the front yard while walking on his hands?

Anonymous said...

Yep-dad was good on his hands and pretty fast too

Anonymous said...

What is that book you are reading?

living pink said...

Hi Todd: This is cousin Nancy of hunka Jess family. I sure do remember the house like this...but with the carport. And our big joke was that your mom had an addition made to the house each time she got pregnant...and that's a lot of times!

Lori said...

Holy cow - how cool is that. Who knew your house looked anything like that? I like the post about having an addition each time Marilyn was pregnant. That's the only way I remember the house. I might have to go look up my old house - very cool!