Saturday, April 5, 2008

looking for a sweet used car?

Sorry for the blatent advertising, but this is a deal to good to pass up!

With 3 cars and only 2 drivers, we are finally getting around to selling our 1995 Mazda. I put the add on this morning. 1995 Mazda

It has been a good car for us. Wendy bought the car new before we were married and we have used it ever since.

So, if you know of anyone that is looking for a used car that is in great condition, let us know. Or if you want specifics that are not on the add linked above, give me a call.


Anonymous said...

When are you posting pics of the new car? I still haven't seen it.

Todd said...

I need to take some photos of the new car... if we can ever get a day or two without rain, I will clean it back up and take a photo