Wednesday, April 2, 2008

We all live in a Yellow Submarine...

I pulled out a CD that is all of the Beatles #1 hits last week and have been playing it at home.

Isaak loves it.
Jonah dances around to it.
Tillie likes some of it.
I am not sure what Wendy thinks of it.

I have been trying to get the kids listening to more quality music (and not just the stuff that will be at the Stadium of Fire - see below).

Sometimes they go for it, sometimes they just think it is "old people music"


Anyway, I started thinking about a particular song that I heard years ago while in Spain.

Through the magic of, I present to you all, LOS MANOLOS covering "All My Loving" for listening pleasure (or for a good laugh)

1 comment:

JimmyG said...

Great song and outfits! I need to learn those dance moves.