Monday, April 7, 2008


Well Mr. Osborne, it may not be kidney stones after all.

Sunday morning I felt like I had been shot, stabbed and speared in the back. All at the same time.

I told my wife that I needed medical attention. STAT!

Ok, I wasn't so eloquent in the way I told her.

It was probably more like. "OWEEEEE. I hurt. @#*% it. Get the kids dressed. OUCH! oooooooh. @^$* *%$@ , I don't care where we go..... ER. OK..."

You get the picture. It hurt worse than anything I have ever felt. Worse than attempting to chop my shin in half with an ax.

20 minutes of pain later, we arrive at the LDS Hospital ER. 10 minutes later I am in a hospital gown, bare butt and all, with a morphine drip and then 2 units of fluid.

Morphine makes the pain go bye-bye. It also made me a bit goofy.

After a CT scan , they let me know that I had passed a 3.5 mm stone to my bladder already. If I could urinate, I could go home.

So I went in the plastic bottle, heard the little guy hit the plastic bottle and went home. 3 hours from start to finish.


Anonymous said...

They say it's as bad as labor. Let's just say you didn't go "natural" and most labors are NOT only three hours. I'm glad that you doing good now though. Sorry for the pain!

mary said...

Hope your feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I never wanna go through that. That might be my worst nightmare. Can you put an ax into your shin again sometime cause that was actually pretty funny to watch.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! I'm sorry you had to make a trip to the ER. Glad you're feeling better!

Mindy Williams said...

holy cow! They say this is equal to labor, but if it is that short lived, I don't know that it is equal! sorry to hear about the horrible adventure, but glad you are okay and nothing more serious! Love ya

Lori said...

Okay, I don't know much about this subject, but aren't you a little young for this? Ah, what the hell do I know?