Picking up Tillie from school - check
Grocery Store - check
Fast food for lunch - check
Pei Wei - check (sister Susie)
Hospitals (for work) - check
Liquor Store - just checking to see if you are paying attention...
anyway, you get the picture.
When I was younger, I used to think that my dad knew everyone. Everywhere we went, he would say hello to people or the classic (that my siblings will understand) "Hi. How are ya?"
I would hope that he wouldn't stop and talk or we would be there for what seemed like hours.
Now my kids tell me that I know everyone.
I think a lot of it has to to with the SLC culture. I mean, I grew up in Salt Lake and still live in the area, so it is a good chance I will run into someone I know. Throw in work and church and my chances are even better.
I do have to admit, that I am not as friendly and talkative as I remember my dad being.
I will even try to avoid people at times. Come on, you all have done it. Skip an aisle at the grocery store. Hurry past someone so they don't see you. Everyone does it.
The worst one for me was about 3 months ago. I was at Primary Childrens Medical Center getting on the elevator on the 4th floor. The doors open on the 3rd floor and a lady with her child get on. Instantly, I know who it is.
Old girlfriend. (ok, so I was also technically "engaged")
Luckily for me, I was looking at some papers and could hide in my notebook for the LONG 20 seconds we were on the elevator together. She noticed me. I noticed her. Neither of us said anything.
The highlight of this story was later that night when I told my wife that I ran into her. "Well, how did she look?" was the question I was asked.
Quick, what is the right answer... "Not very good." (I really didn't notice)
"Well, she was at Primary Childrens with a child. Maybe she was a little stressed. Don't be so hard on her" was the response.
So I nothing I would have said would have been the right answer...
Are you kidding me? I am the queen of dodging people when I go to SLC. And what did I miss? Who were you engaged to?
I've been known to actually turn and run away ! Seriously!
I hate those questions. Your older sister does that, so I slow down.
It's really crazy that you bring up this topic, because I do the same thing with my siblings.
If I see my sisters walking out of a store like, say, Victoria Secrets, I turn and walk away before they even see me.
My all time favrite run-in was at Disneyland. I ran into Steph, when she and Brian lived in San Diego. I was excited to see her, and un-like Brian, didn't dis' my family.
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